24.2.2008 | 08:54
No no no we say nei nei nei....
Arrg, ég trúi ekki hvernig þessi keppni fór. Parið sem vann fer svo í mig...ekki út af þessari keppni, bara...almennt. Svo væmin. Ég hata væmni meira en allt. Aaaaaaaaaaanywho, ég missti mig yfir frábærri vefsíðu í gær: www.notalwaysright.com , þarna lýsir afgreiðslufólk upplifunum sínum af viðskiptavinum í allskonar aðstæðum, reyndar ekki bara afgreiðslufólk heldur líka starfsmenn tæknilegrar aðstoðar tölvu- og símafyrirtækja, símafólk hjá neyðarlínunni....ýmislegt bara. Og sögurnar eru ómetanlegar. Sem dæmi:
(I had just started a new IT job for a large school district and was not expecting the level of stupidity I would be dealing with on a regular basis. Within my first 3 weeks, I receive a phone call from a school.)
Clerk: Hi, I am trying to use this new system on these computers and I'm attempting to make my account. My Principal got me started but now I am stuck.
Me: What seems to be the problem?
Clerk: Well, it is asking me for First Name and I have no idea what I am supposed to type.
Me: Youre at the registration screen? Um well I think you are supposed to enter your name.
Clerk: Oh okay wait. No, its asking me for something else.
Me: What now?
Clerk: It says last name what do I put here?
Me: Probably your last name.
Clerk: Oh, thanks oh Jesus, now its asking for my phone number! What the hell am I suppose to put here! Why cant I just do it the old fashioned way?
Me: You mean pen and paper?
Clerk: Yes! It was so much easier. These fancy computers are just so complicated. I never understand what I am suppose to do!
(I bit my tongue and just let her ramble on about how First Name was such an incredibly hard concept to grasp.)
HAHAHAHA! Svo eru billjón fleiri sögur þarna inná, i'm loving it
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