Coca-loca dancing like a maniac

Jęja, loksins hef ég fundiš eitthvaš aš blogga um. Nafnleysi mitt į blogginu. Er bśin aš reka augun ķ nokkur blogg žar sem fólk er ekki sįtt viš "nafnleysingjana"...ég skil ekki alveg hvaša mįl žetta er. Žaš kemur engum viš undir hvaša nafni fólk skrifar į sķnum bloggum. Fór ekki allt ķ uppnįm um daginn žegar auglżsing var sett inn į og fólk steytti hnefum aš rekendum sķšunnar og kröfšust žess aš auglżsinginn yrši tekin śt af žeirra prķvat og persónulega bloggi! Fyrst aš sķšurnar eru svona prķvat og persónulegar mį žį ekki heita žaš sem mašur vill???? Žaš hefur enginn rétt til žess aš nöldra ķ žeim sem kjósa aš vera nafnlausir, įstęšurnar fyrir žvķ geta veriš svo margar. Og žetta er įlķka kjįnalegt og aš vilja ekki lesa blogg hjį einhverjum sem heitir Jón žvķ manni finnst žaš asnalegt nafn. Get a life people! Eins gęti žessi Jón veriš aš skrifa undir never know Bandit

(We are at a prepay station. A little old lady walks in.)

Lady: “So what, I can’t get gas now because so many idiots drive off? What kind of world do we live in that a Christian doesn’t get treated right?”

Me: “… I’m sorry, Ma’am, we lost over 75,000 gallons of gas last year due to drive offs.”

Lady: “This is just stupid. Why don’t you just turn the damn pump on? I’m filling up, I don’t know how much it’s going to take.”

Me: “Ma’am, you can either leave your keys, a credit card, or an ID, and I’ll be more than happy to turn the pump on.”

(The lady hands me a $20 bill.)

Me: “Alright, I’ll just prepay this 20, and it’ll shut off for you when it hits 20.”

Lady: “No no no. That’s my down-payment. Turn the pump on and I’ll come pay the rest.”

(I sigh and turn the pump on, I’m really not supposed to, but at least I’ll have some money to put towards it if she drives away. The lady goes out and pumps her gas, comes back in to pay.)

Lady: “One day, the Lord is going to come down and smite everybody who doesn’t respect the Christians who live by the rules.”

Man behind her: “I’m going to be a good Atheist and prepay my gas. $15 on pump 3, please and thank you.”

InLove Sannar sögur I mind you :D

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